Top row starting from left: Lynn Cottrill;Ellie Howard;Charles Baber;Patti Nevin; Jan Chekirda;
Bottom Row from left: Sharon Holcomb; Doris Sheikh;Char Vukonich; Ruth Bennet; & Audrey Pleasant
Top row starting from left: Lynn Cottrill;Ellie Howard;Charles Baber;Patti Nevin; Jan Chekirda;
Bottom Row from left: Sharon Holcomb; Doris Sheikh;Char Vukonich; Ruth Bennet; & Audrey Pleasant
Hello all, we are excited to be gathering in person for our annual June picnic. This year it is at my house in Farmington Hills.
Time 11:30 Noon
Bring a dish to pass. Please let Char (fitnessfan1@mac.com/ 248-535-3101 or Jan Chekirda jan.chekirda@outlook.com 248-787-0521) know what you are bringing ahead of time and Char will post the list in the website Blog to avoid duplicates.
Here is what we have so far & who is has confirmed attending:
Doris Tabouli grain/vegtable salad
Sharon H is bringing Cheese chips
Audrey Pleasant Humus/Crackers & Cookies
Jan C. pending
Lynn C Pasta Salad
Patti N 3 Bean Salad
Char Deviled Eggs
Ruth B Fresh Fruit
Charles B Greek Salad
Ellie H Fresh Lemonaid
Lifetime member Hugh is not doing so well and we think it would be a great idea for anyone who remembers him or knows him to send him a card of encouragement. Hugh suffers form Alzheimers but I’m sure the hand written cards would be most appreciated. Please go the the Membership tab>Directory and look up Hugh’s address. Kind thoughts to all. Char V
This is our holiday celebration and the time when we recognize member contributions to YAGD and welcome our new volunteers. We held our holiday meeting via ZOOM today. Members wore festive clothes (and socks) and brought something to munch on. Lynn presented certificates of appreciation to board members and committee chairs who have contributed their energy and time to YAGD during 2020. It was great to see all who attended. We had fun conversations, reconnected and discussed our exciting future.
We had a total of 19 attendees who popped in and out. Here is the one picture I took in which most were looking at the camera and smiling …haha.
Thanks to all of you for your wonderful suggestions, devotion to YAGD and holiday cheer. Char V vice president.
My name is Ellie Howard and I have been a member of the Yoga Association of Greater Detroit for over 40 years. The YAGD is an opportunity to be around like-minded people once a month to participate, as a student, in a class from another member-teacher. We have the opportunity to enhance our Yoga experience at our monthly meetings. This keeps our Yoga-teaching experience fresh. Why have I stayed with YAGD for over 40 years? It has never gotten old for me. Every month I learn something that I didn’t know before … another way of moving from one posture to another … another way of introducing one of the basic poses … another new member joins and freshens our atmosphere.
Every year I am impressed with excellent leadership of YAGD. Our Board Members are the President/VP/Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. Then we have the commitment of our Committee Chairpersons. Their dedication makes for an outstanding experience.
If there is any question in your mind about joining or not joining, ask yourself, “What are you looking for in your Yoga profession?” For over 40 years, my questions have been answered here – in YAGD.
With the COVID 19 world we live in these days, it is quite apparent that our world of yoga has changed and is not likely to return to what it was prior to this major event. As such we, as an organization, will need to adapt. It is likely we will not have an on site meeting this year but we have quickly moved to ZOOM meetings that have been very successful. More people attend who would not, in the past have wanted to travel to our meeting site. It is easier for some members schedule and its a great opportunity to reconnect with our yoga community. We are monitoring the situation with respect to our annual yoga retreat and will be publishing an update on the near future.
Going forward, we will continue our monthly meetings per the schedule posted on the website, HOWEVER when and if we go back to on site meetings we will make those meetings available via ZOOM for those members who cannot attend in person. We may even combine our monthly Anatomy Study Group session with our monthly member meeting, as we did in this month.
We have also worked to enhance our monthly meetings in general to include some form of information to enhance our teaching skills or our understanding of some aspect of anatomy or yoga. Stay tuned…in many ways it is an exciting time of change.
We had our first ZOOM meeting for the org. to celebrate our annual picnic and enjoy reconnecting after this long stent of no meetings and no Spring Yoga Day. At first Lynn and I were worried it wouldn’t fly but we ended up with 17 people on line at once and had a great meeting. Many of our members are already teaching via Zoom so it went smoothly. Thanks to Mihir for hosting the meeting and to Sharon Holcomb for give everyone a little 10 minute course on Zooming.
While we missed all the great foods we usually share at this event, we could each have our own little beverage and food at hand while sitting on our decks or porches. It was great to see you all. We plan on having our next meeting monthly meeting on July 12th. Karen Lutz will host a 2 hour presentation on “The Energy Channels of Your Body” Check the website for more details shortly.
We recently recieved the following request from Joseph Tegler regarding available space for yoga classes.
If you know anyone who is looking for space to rent in Novi, please share our message or contact info.
info@akulatkd.com 248-921-4493
We are excited to get back to teaching classes at our Taekwondo studio, once Michigan fitness facilities are allowed to open.
At one time, yoga classes were offered in our space. There is still a yoga sign on our window, and passers-by sometimes stop to inquire about yoga classes.
We do not currently offer yoga, but we would love to connect with an amazing yoga (or qi gong, pilates, or similar) teacher who is looking for space. If you are looking for space to rent — or if you know someone who is looking for space — please message me. To learn about us, see akulatkd.com
Looking for something to add to your yoga tool bag?
Check out this webinar from Doug Keller on the Vagus Nerve as it relates to you teaching yoga: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/neckhealth (it’s also good for 3 CE credits).
Member Katherine Schaefer has brought Doug to Farmington several years in a row. He is a excellent teacher and has a talent for explaining the human body and its relationship to yoga. He offers great insight to yoga teachers all over the world. He is one of my favorites!
– Char Vukonich, V.P. YAGD
YAGD is sorry to hear John is now home in Home Hospice Care. He doesn’t have much time left.
When we know the details about a Memorial Service…it will be in Northville, we will let everyone know. Karen sends blessings to all her students past and present.