We had our first ZOOM meeting for the org. to celebrate our annual picnic and enjoy reconnecting after this long stent of no meetings and no Spring Yoga Day. At first Lynn and I were worried it wouldn’t fly but we ended up with 17 people on line at once and had a great meeting. Many of our members are already teaching via Zoom so it went smoothly. Thanks to Mihir for hosting the meeting and to Sharon Holcomb for give everyone a little 10 minute course on Zooming.
While we missed all the great foods we usually share at this event, we could each have our own little beverage and food at hand while sitting on our decks or porches. It was great to see you all. We plan on having our next meeting monthly meeting on July 12th. Karen Lutz will host a 2 hour presentation on “The Energy Channels of Your Body” Check the website for more details shortly.