Jennifer Ray

Jennifer Ray – June, 2024

(AKA Lakshmi)

Name & Hometown:   Originally:  West side of Detroit.   Currently: Westland

Who or what inspired you to be a Yoga Instructor ?   Taking classes at Integral Yoga Institute (IYI) on Livernois, between 6 Mile & Puritan (across from the University of Detroit).  I went 2-3 times a week.  Chanting with others once a month.

Describe your style of Yoga: Classic, old style, similar to Lillias Folan.  Hatha & Pranayama.  Gentle, and we’d rest between poses.  Our classes used to be 1 ½ hours long.

What’s your favorite pose ?   Tree & Balancing Poses.  Also, Backward Bending.

What brings you to the mat ?  Staying flexible & strong !  Staying Calm & Centered. Staying True to my  Path.

If you teach, where ?  Not currently.  I taught for 18 + years at Integral Yoga   Institute in Detroit.  We taught for free, and, our 6 month Training was for free !  I also taught at Marygrove College & Tindal Recreation Center.

I am currently available for Private Classes.

How has being a member of YAGD helped you in your yoga career ?    Yes !  Taking a variety of weekend workshops with Yoga Luminaries like Lilias Folan, Martin Pearce, Judith Lasater.  (back in the 1980’s & ‘90’s.. when Co-Founding Member, Sallee Rosen was still with us)

Do you have a favorite Yoga Story from your teaching experience ?   Studying with my guru from YogaVille, VA:  Swami Satchidananda.  He did the opening prayer for Woodstock !  He’s in the movie.    I also enjoyed getting to take time with  students, as well as teaching ALL aspects of Yoga.

Is there anything else you would like to add ?    I raised 4 children in a Yogic Household:  Vegetarian diet, learning Sanskrit Prayers. I used to lead Kirtan (chanting – South Indian Style).   I used to volunteer with Literacy of America: teaching adults to read.  I also volunteered in Detroit Public Schools weekly (Open School).  And sadly, none of my kids have kept up with any Yogic Practices.

I like to sew, read, garden, hike, swim & canoe / kayak.  Also, being with my granddaughters: 6 & 1 years old.

I also worked on the line at Ford Truck Plant on Michigan Ave for 12 years.  I was an active UAW member !

I have another great ‘Yoga Story’, which is pretty amazing !  When my first child was going to come out breach and the nurse told me I had about an hour to see if he’d turn around, otherwise they’d have to do a ‘C section’, which I adamantly did NOT want.  So my husband helped me lie on my side, to try to coax him to move… But when that didn’t work, I did a supported shoulder stand.. and VOILA !   He turned with some gentle help from us !