
Update on Khaya’s Husband Ed

New information from member Khaya Davidson. Ed was scheduled for surgery to today but it has been delayed til Friday. He is having some lung capacity trouble and the doctors want him to be as healthy as possible. I’m sure they would appreciate your cards and prayers.

Pat Halloran

It is with much sadness we hear that Pat’s sister has passed away. Please send your condolences to Pat at35345 Blue Spruce De.,Farmington Hills,MI.48335

Our Holiday gathering

Thanks to all who brought a dish to pass. We had a moderate turnout, as several members came down with various bugs going around.  Wishing them a speedy recovery.    Khaya’s husband Ed is on the mend and home from the hospital.  He still has a potential surgery to go through so keep them in your thoughts.  Looking forward to the New Year!

Khaya Davidson

Dear members, just want you to know Khaya has advised that her spouse Ed had an event last Tuesday morning that has landed him in the hospital.  He will require future surgery and is also recovering form a fractured sacrum.  Please send Khaya and Ed your prayers and thoughts.  I’m sure they would enjoy hearing from you via cards or emails.


Kind Regards


Free Laughter Yoga class

Laura Lerman is offering free Laughter Yoga Class on Saturdays




Laughter Yoga is the best medicine to reducestress and promote health and wellbeing!  According to Wikipedia Laughter Yoga is a practice involving voluntary laughter.  Sounds complicated, right?  Not really; this yoga allows the inner child in you to come out and have fun!  A great way to improve overall mind/body health, and more!!

Taught by Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, Laura Lerman.  No classes  11/24 or 12/29.  Wear loose comfortable clothing, bring water and yoga mat.

For more information call:  313-282-5402

Our Hearts go out to Jan Chekirda

It is with much sadness we are advised that Jan’s mother passed away last week.  Jan has indicated they don’t want  a memorial donation for Mom..just loving thoughts and a quick prayer for the family.  A private family service is being held today Monday,Oct 22nd. We send Jan a big hug and our loving thoughts.  I’m sure, in this day of electronics, she would find a call or hand signed card most comforting.  Char

Fall Yoga Day is HERE!

Dear Friends,

We are hosting our 10th annual fall yoga day this year with the Birmingham Community House. Please think about joining us for part of the day or the whole thing.  All levels of experience are welcome.  You can find more info on our home page or under Events on our website. There will be gently used books available for a donation. YAGD merchandise and good company!

Hope to see you there. If you need a ride or have any questions please don’t hesitate to call or email me at  248-535-3101.

Fall Yoga Day Flyers are available

Hello friends,

We have a large supply of flyers printed for the Fall Yoga Day Event on October 21st.  Lynn Cottrill has them and would be happy to send you some if you contact her.  Lynn’s email is  Please disperse them to your students and post publicly where you can in your area.


King Regards


Sad News for Christine Walbridge

Marietherese Walbridge

Christine Walbridge’s mother, Marietherese Walbridge, died on September 13, 2018.

For the last 9 months Marietherese had been sick and Christine was a primary caregiver.  Christine was able to keep teaching her yoga classes and said her yoga has gotten her through.

Memorial Mass will be on Saturday, September 29, 11am at Christ, Our Light! Catholic Church.Christ, Our Light! is located at 3077 Glouchester, Troy (off of Coolidge south of 16 Mile).

Condolences can be sent to Christine Walbridge, 2026 Martin, Ferndale, MI  48220.

Meeting notes from Sunday @ Mercy Center

We had a really nice turnout for yesterdays meeting.  Thanks to all for joining us.  We have two new members join us.  Suann Darmody and Susan Melendy, both of which will be great assets to the organization.  Jan Chekirda joined us as recording secretary and is looking and feeling much better.  April Smith took us through asana practice…very nice job. We have a lot of events going on in September and October. I encourage you to join us where you can.  Check out our Events and Workshops pages as well as our Membership events.. Ann French’s offer of FREE Reiki training is a real value and is only a one day event.   Thats it for now. Char