
Usha Shah and Valarie Byrd

Both Usha and Valarie had surgery this month. I’m sure they would appreciate a card or handwritten note to cheer them on to a great recovery.  You will find their  information in the Membership Directory.

Spring Yoga Day Success

We had a great time at this years Spring Yoga Day Event.  Thanks to teachers and  members formaking it happen!!

Holiday Party Dec 2nd at St Davids in Southfield

As promised here is the current listing of who’s bringing what to our gathering.

Patti N. Deviled Eggs

Sophia B Hummus & Pita Bread

Sharon H Gluten Free Meringue Cookies

Usha S Lentin Soup

Char V Cheese and crackers

Jennifer R. Tabouli

Doris S Upside-down pumpkin pie

Valerie Mixed Bean Salad

Ruth B Gala Apples to slice and chunky peanut butter

Audrey P Vegetarian stuffed grape leaves

Retreat 2023

Weather was brutal with Gail force winds and rain but that didn’t stop us from having a great time with our fellow yogi’s.

Many thanks to everyone who participated in our 2023 retreat.  Thank you, too, to the 2023 YAGD Retreat Committee:  Sharon Holcomb, Valerie Byrd, Jennie Kurth, Patti Nevin, Laura Lermon, and Jan Chekirda, for a wonderful retreat weekend. We were so sad that Sharon, our inimitable Retreat Chairperson, wasn’t able to attend, due to Covid.  But thanks to her amazing organizational skills, we were able to smoothly continue.  

I’d also like to thank everyone who led a class:  Patti Nevin, Jennie Kurth, Valerie Byrd, Charles Baber, Dan Roney, Ken Aubuchon, and to Laura Lerman, who provided massage services.  Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate – Friday and Saturday had lots of rain, strong winds, cold temperatures, and high waves – whitecaps as far as you could see out in the lake.  Sunday was better.  A few hardy members even walked the beach despite all that!  

Our retreat meals were very good, as always.  Saturday began with omelets made to order among other breakfast goodies.  Saturday’s soup and salad lunch ended with an ice cream bar.  Saturday dinner was a first – a pasta bar, again made to order for each member. Sunday breakfast  included eggs cooked per member request.  Speaking of meals, thank you to Patti Nevin for organizing our Cadillac House dinner on Friday and the Freighters meal on Sunday.

For YAGD members who have not yet attended the retreat, or for those who haven’t been there in years, please save September 27 – 29, 2024, which is when our next retreat is scheduled.  It’s always a wonderful weekend.  And there’s nothing better than sleeping next to a Great Lake – unless it’s doing yoga next to a Great Lake!

For your YAGD retreat committee (Jan Chekirda, Patti Nevin, Jennie Kurth, Valerie Byrd, Laura Lerman, and Sharon Holcomb), Jan

Monthly meeting July 9th Mala Bead Workshop

We had such fun at our monthly meeting yesterday making Mala beads with member Shawn Archer. We are planing to do it again in the near future!!

Our June Picnic at Heritage Park

We had beautiful weather and a small showing of members. I supplemented the group by bringing my two grandchildren Nicky and Sofia. good food, friends and a little asana practice made it a fun event.

June 3rd Picnic

From last years picnic held at Yola’s home in Grosse Isle

Looking forward to see everyone at our annual picnic. This year we are back at Heritage Park, Central Shelter. Please let Char know if you are coming and what, if any “dish to pass” you will be bringing. this will help eliminate duplicates. So far we have:
Doris is bringing: potato Beet Salad
Jan C: Sour cream coffee cake
Jennie K: Kale,Berry salad
Char: Quinoa, Kale salad
Kyla: Cookies
Lynn C: suprise

Deirdre Denholm’s father has passed

It is with sadness we announce Deirdre’s father has passed. I’m sure she would appreciate a thoughtful note of condolence. Members can find her address in the Membership>Directory tab of our website. I have no other information.